Author: Arijit Bera
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Abstract: Teaching effectiveness is a major influence on students’ academic achievement. It is correlated with students’ academic as well as overall achievements. Teaching effectiveness is central to school efforts to improve the students’ outcome. An effective teacher also is flexible and able to adapt to changes. It is a person that relates personally with the students and is respected and behaves professionally. Today’s teachers are called upon to work with colleagues to design learning environments that promote deeper engagement in learning as a reciprocal process. Learning can no longer be understood as a one-way exchange where we teach, they learn. The present study discusses the effectiveness of approaches to teaching and the theoretical perspectives of the teaching effectiveness. As it is a conceptual study the researcher has followed different journals and books to collect required information. The study concludes that teaching effectiveness is important
because effective teaching helps student learning. It has become even more important as the emphasis on quality in higher education has increased. Effective teaching does not occur by chance, it is the heartful effort of the teachers.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Teaching Effectiveness, Learning, Planning.