Author: Susovan Pradhan1 Dr.Santanu Biswas2
DOI Link : -2 /4/A7/Susovan Pradhan
Abstract: From ancient time onwards women were not given their due respect in the world, in their society, in their village and in their family. It is restriction or limit that created by our own blood relationship, it may be a father, mother, brother or grandparents. Many of rural area, parents show interest to send their girl child for higher studies. The lack of awareness that leads to very less encouragement, because of no people were there to guide them and support them. The researcher has undertaken this study to explore the constraints of the first generation college girls students in the psychological and social perspective. This study is based on the secondary sources of information. The researcher has followed different books, journals etc for collecting
required information. The study concludes that to combat socially created gender prejudices, oppressed women must be given a voice and a voice-raising platform in all areas of life. They also have a ways to go before they can catch up to the rest of society in terms of education, communication, health, and family life.
Key words: society, communication, women,blood relationship,education.