Women Education: Empowering Status in the Society

Author: Dr. Vijay Bharati

DOI Link : https://doi.org/10.70798/Bijmrd/02040010

Abstract: Women education is an essential need to change their status in the society.  Educated women can play a very important role in the society for socio economic development. Education eliminates inequalities and disparities as the means of recovering their status within and out of their families. It is the key factor for women empowerment, prosperity, development and welfare.  Education provides more strength to women. Such strength comes from the process of empowerment and empowerment will come from the education.  Education plays a significant role in women empowerment inequality and vulnerability of women in the society in India. This paper is an effort to capture the emerging picture with respect to women’s education in India. 

Key words: Women education, empowerment, opportunities. 

Page No: 73-77