The Farm Laws: India’s Neoliberal Reforms

Author: Dr. Saibal Sankar Chakraborty

DOI Link :: Vol -2 / 3/A1/Saibal Sankar Cha

Abstract:This article looks at how new rules that the Indian government might pass in 2020 might affect farming and farmers. (Which have been taken away since). Experts, the Indian government, and farmer groups all have different ideas about what farmers might expect to gain and lose. The theory of economics is used in this article to figure out how to price inputs and outputs in different types of markets. The farm laws’ ability to change how big private companies handle the production, marketing, and storage of agricultural goods raises questions about their ability to change the structures of the market that set prices and levels of output. More research needs to be done on these issues because of the growth of monopsony and oligopoly market structures, markets for agricultural goods, and food markets for end users. The discussion is backed up by facts from the 1980s in the United States about how similar laws affected small farmers and by facts about how the APMC market regulation in Bihar, India, was taken away in 2006. These facts are used to draw some conclusions about reforms and what they mean for the future of farming and farmers in India. This article talks about the most recent agricultural laws in the context of India’s neoliberal reforms, which began in 1991. It says that India’s agricultural problems are caused by social class and that the current farmer protests must grow into a larger movement for social justice.

Keywords: India, Farm Laws, Neoliberalism, Reforms, Social Justice.