Author: Ummea Sulma Biswas
DOI Link :: -2 / 2 (1)/2024/A19/Ummea Sulma Biswas
Abstract:Secondary education is regarded as the key to lead to progression of the individuals. When the individuals reach this stage, they realize the significance of education. They realize that it is of utmost significance for them to generate awareness in terms of benefits of secondary education and how it would be helpful to them in bringing about improvements in their overall quality of lives. In this article the researcher has made an attempt to discuss the historical development of the Secondary Education in India. It also highlights the aims and objectives of the Secondary Education and its structure in the present context of NEP 2020. The study concludes that the aims of secondary education are dedicated towards development of vocational efficiency, intellectual development, creativity, artistic and cultural interests and overall personality of the individuals. Finally, it can be stated that development of secondary education leads to effective growth and development of not only individuals, but communities and nation as a whole.
Keywords: Development, Creativity. Secondary Education, Vocational Efficiency.