Participation of Women in Political Process in Jharkhand: An Assessment

Author: Dr.Arunansu Bera

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Abstract: Political participation is not only a symbol of women’s empowerment by promoting women’s interest but also creates further awareness and mobilizes other women to be a part of the political arena. Women’s political participation and empowerment cannot be confined to merely political rights. This study has been carried out to take valuable feedback regarding the performance of women who were local representatives of their area and to understand what women as ordinary voters think about women who are active in politics and part of local administration. For this purpose a field study was conducted across different areas of the state in order to study the nature of political participation among rural and urban women in the state. Total 404 women were interviewed during the field study, 192 women from the rural area and 212 from the urban area across the five districts in the state. The findings indicate that Women in the villages were mostly dependent on a Mukhiya for all sorts of help be it economic or social and women Voters in the village had individual capacity to judge a candidate based on their campaigning.

Keywords: Village, Women Voters, Economic, Social, Political Participation.

Page No: 13-18