An Assessment of the Study Habits among B.Ed. College students

Author: Mr. Koushik Patra

DOI Link :: : -2/3/A8/Koushik Patra

Abstract:Study habit is a process of exercising and approaching towards regularity of study based on individual attitudes and interest. It is one of the greatest learning factors that hugely influence students’ academic achievements. The purpose of the study is to examine the study habit of student-teachers. The present study is delimited to Paschim Medinipur district only. The Descriptive Survey research method was employed for the study. The population consisted of student-teachers of Paschim Medinipur district from which the sample of 136 student-teachers was drawn using purposive sampling technique. Study Habit Inventory (SHI)- by M. Mukhopadhyay and D. N. Sansanwal (1983 was used for primary data collection. Secondary data were collected by following different books, journals and internet sources. The major findings of the study indicate that study habits among the student-teachers were poor and there is significant difference in the study habits among the students teachers in respect of their socio demographic information.

Keywords: Study Habits, Student Teachers, Academic Achievement etc.