Impact of National Education Policy 2020 on ICT in Higher Education

Author: Dr. Vidyasagar Halder

DOI Link :: -2 / 2 (1)/2024/A17/Vidyasagar Halder

Abstract:ICT is utilized in many fields; however, it doesn’t improve the standard of education. There are no established standards for assessing the quality of education, which has drawn criticism. Information technology includes hardware, software, and methods for gathering, storing, processing, and presenting data and information. Information and communication technology has the power to significantly alter education for students, instructors, teacher educators, and others. It can also provide creative, effective solutions to some of the problems facing our country’s educational system. India is one of the emerging nations that has made the greatest advancements in ICT development. Its growth has been astounding, especially in the area of education. ICTs will unquestionably be the cornerstone of future development. There is now a new global economy due to the pace of globalization and technical innovation during the last fifteen years. The goals and nature of educational institutions are greatly impacted by the emergence of this new global economy. Schools can’t just be places where teachers impart a certain body of knowledge to pupils over a predetermined amount of time, as the half-time of information continues to decline and access to information increases exponentially.

Keywords: Educational quality, Students, Teachers, ICT, Globalization, School education.