Author: Murari Sharan Pandit
Abstract: Teaching and learning are the two sides of a coin. Learning is a continuous process from the beginning to the end of human life. A method of teaching plays an important role in the learning process. The process will not be fulfilled until the learner gains knowledge from the subject. Because the purpose of teaching is not only to make the students to get marks, but also to enhance the skills and practical knowledge of the students. English is the one and only language which rules the world. The socalled global language doesn’t give knowledge alone, but also name and fame in the society. Teaching the second language is a difficult task for the teachers. This Article deals with the various innovative methods of English language Teaching. The function of teachers is to help the students to learn by imparting knowledge. It is the role of the teacher to remove the ignorance. No teacher should fall into a monotonous pattern of presenting the same kind of lesson. This is a very competitive world. Involvement of the students makes the teaching effective. In traditional methods, students are only the passive listeners. Creativity only shows the individuality of everyone. Implementing innovative methods in Teaching-learning process would make the students more active in the class room.
Keywords: Innovative methods, Language skills, Teaching English, Teaching Techniques, Creativity.
Page No: 49-52