Barriers of Language Learning in India

Author: Dr. Shubhra Nath & Dr. Santanu Biswas

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ABSTRACT: Learning is a conscious process. By knowing the rules and having a conscious knowledge of grammar and vocabulary one has to learn language. In learning, situation has to be created whereas language acquisition takes place in a natural situation. Being a social creature human being needs to communicate with others. And here lies the importance of learning a language. Language is the best means of communicating thoughts, feelings and ideas. It is a learned arbitrary system of vocal symbols by means of which human beings interact and communicate. Except communicative functions, there are some other functions of language. According to Micheal Halliday, language has -instrumental, regulatory, interactional, personal, heuristic, imaginative and representational functions also. Again in view of Roman Jakobson, some other functions of language are referential, poetic, expressive, phatic etc. So language learning is of utmost importance in human life as well as in the field of education. Language plays an important role in the entire gamut of teaching learning process. It is the base of all knowledge. But this language learning is not problems free as no activity in human life is problem-free. Successful language learning depends to a great extend on successful teaching of language. Some of the important barriers of language learning are-the aim of language teaching is neglected; faulty methods of teaching; lack of infrastructure facility; taught like other subjects; overcrowded class; lack of competent teachers; non-availability of good textbooks; lack of confidence or fear of committing mistakes etc

Keywords: Barriers, Acquisition, Vocal Symbols.

Page No- 176-181