Effect of Social Phobia on Psychological Well-being among Young Adults: A Micro Study

Author: Ananya Pal & Dr. Pankaj Kumar Paul

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Abstract: Purpose of the study: In the present study an experiment has been undertaken to analyse the effect of Social phobia on psychological well-being  among young adults. For this 102 respondents have been selected (33 male and 69 female) of ages between 18-30 years. Tools & Techniques used: This study administered with Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) and different dimensions related to social phobia – fear, avoidance and physiologic symptoms.  PGI Well-being Scale used to measure the overall status of well-being.  Students’t-test and Product Moment Correlation have been used to analyse the data. Findings of the Study: The study revealed no significant difference in attitude among the respondents on psychological well-being   w.r.to gender, family size, and locality with slight variation of mean scores of it. Results further indicates that there is a negative correlation exist between social phobia and psychological well-being of young adults (r = -0.14, P<0.01).  Comments: A negative relationship has been found between social phobia and psychological well-being among the young adults. This means that the higher the level of social phobia, the lower will be the level of psychological well-being and vice-versa.

Keywords: Social Phobia, Psychological Well-being, Young Adults, Attitudinal difference, Correlation

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