Author: Ms. Sanchita Mazumdar
Abstract: This present paper emphasisesthe women empowerment in India. As a general perception,women are considered a weaker sex in every walk of life. For ages now, the Indiansociety has not reconciled to liberation of women. The position of women in the society has established the fact that they are the disadvantaged gender, being dominated by their male- counterparts. Unless and until all the younger population are involved and their potentials are tapped , a nation cannot be transformedinto a developed nation. For all- rounddevelopment of the nation we should include women in the mainstream by providing an unrestricted equal access to all the resources available in the society. Education in a broad sense, involves the ability to negotiate this unequal and unjust world from a position of strength. The role of educating women will facilitate social and economicprogress.
Keywords: Women Empowerment, Education for Empowerment, Social Empowerment
Page No : 70-74