Evolution of Party System in India: A Historical Analysis

Author: Ms. Ajija Sultana

DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.70798/Bijmrd/0020110021

ABSTRACT: Indian party system is unique. It does not fit in any kind of classification that is generally used to categorize the party systems. It is defined by the singular nature of Indian politics on tile one hand and the nature of the state-society relationship on the other. In the last two decades, there has been a substantial change both in the nature of politics as well as in nature of relationship between the state and the society. In this article the researcher has made an attempt to study the evolution of party system in India since Independence. It also discusses the party system in the central and state level. Since the present study is descriptive in nature the researcher has followed the secondary sources for the required information. Different books, journals, government records and internet sources have also been for gathering information. It can be concluded from the study that the party system in lndia has undergone major transformation in the last five decades.

Keywords: Party, Evolution ,Growth, Political Parties.

Page No: 182-188