Author: Awaneesh Baibhav
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Abstract: The self-concept is an organized cognitive structure comprising a set of attitudes, beliefs and value that cut across all facets of experience and action, organizing together the variety of specific habits, abilities, outlooks, ideas and feelings that a person displays. Scholastic competence refers to the intellectual behavioral and manifestation activities that a teacher has developed from the early years of his schooling up to the attainment of degree of teaching. The objectives of this study were to find out significant difference if any in both self-concept and scholastic competence of teachers in relation to gender, locale, teaching experience, educational qualification and academic stream variations. It was a descriptive study design of normative type.The population of this study consisted of secondary school teachers from Siliguri. The sample included one hundred teachers selected on simple random sampling method. The tools used for the collection of data were Nayak’s Teacher’s Self Concept Scale (2004) and Samal’s Scholastic Competence scale (2000). The findings of this study were that female, rural, more experienced, graduate and non-science teachers have less self-concept compared to urban, less experienced, science and post graduate teachers whereas male, urban, graduate, non-science, less experienced teachers have less scholastic competence compared to female, urban, post graduate, science and more experienced teachers.
Keywords: Self Concept, Scholastic Competence, Personal Variables.
Page No: 13-20