Arun Maity

The Effect of Field Trip on Students’ Academic Performance in Biology at Secondary Level

Author:  Shuvra Dey DOI LINK: -2 / 5/2024/A11 Abstract: This study observed the effect of field trip on students’ academic performance in Biology at secondary level. Quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. Two research questions and two hypotheses constructed during the study. The population of the study comprised all secondary students of …

The Effect of Field Trip on Students’ Academic Performance in Biology at Secondary Level Read More »

Women’s Education and Social Empowerment and Sustainability.

DOI LINK : -2 / 5/ 2024/A10 Author: Ms. Sanchita Mazumdar Abstract: This present paper emphasisesthe women empowerment in India. As a general perception,women are considered a weaker sex in every walk of life. For ages now, the Indiansociety has not reconciled to liberation of women. The position of women in the society has established …

Women’s Education and Social Empowerment and Sustainability. Read More »

Raising Environmental Consciousness: Instilling Sustainability into the Educational Curriculum

Author: Dr. Suman Devi1 Ms. Suman2 DOI Link : -2 / 5/2024/A9 Abstract: In the face of escalating environmental challenges, equipping future generations with a profound understanding and appreciation for sustainable practices has become a pressing need. Uniting concepts of sustainability throughout educational programs at all levels nurtures an environmentally-aware generation prepared to tackle ecological …

Raising Environmental Consciousness: Instilling Sustainability into the Educational Curriculum Read More »

Emotional Maturity of School Students of Siliguri in Relation with Personal Variables

Author: Dr. Savita Mishra DOI Link : -2 / 5/2024/A8 Abstract: As a person grows emotionally mature, they work to improve their emotional well-being on all levels, from the inside out. Heterosexuality, empathy, a propensity to mimic the actions and attitudes of others, and the ability to control one’s own emotional reactions are all hallmarks …

Emotional Maturity of School Students of Siliguri in Relation with Personal Variables Read More »

Breaking Barriers: The Empowering Effects of Mobile E-Learning for Women in the Digital Age

Author: Barnali Dey & Dr. Ramesh kumar     DOI Link : -2 / 5/2024/A7 Abstract: Through the removal of conventional educational hurdles, mobile e-learning has become a transformational instrument for women’s empowerment in the digital era. This research explores how mobile e-learning empowers women, emphasizing how flexible, accessible, and capable it is of overcoming …

Breaking Barriers: The Empowering Effects of Mobile E-Learning for Women in the Digital Age Read More »

Regionalism: The History of Regional Party

Author: Ajija Sultana DOI Link : Vol -2 / 5/2024/A6 Abstract: India has a multi-party system with predominance of small regional parties. Political parties that wish to contest local, state or national elections are required to be registered by the Election Commission of India (EC). In order to gain recognition in a state, the party …

Regionalism: The History of Regional Party Read More »

Education as a Human Right for Indian Women and Its Effect on Human Capital

Author: Awaneesh Baibhav DOI Link : -2 / 5 /2024/A5 Abstract: In India, education provides a vital opportunity for social and economic development. By contributing to the economy of the country and the society, an educated Indian woman will have a positive impact on Indian society. Women who are educated reduce the likelihood that their …

Education as a Human Right for Indian Women and Its Effect on Human Capital Read More »

नवर सिंग के कार्यों में हिंदी साहित्य का आलोचनात्मक विश्लेषण

Author: Sweta Kumari DOI Link :: -2 / 5/2024/A4 Abstract:नामवरसिंहनेअपनाआलोचकीयजीवन ‘हिंदीकेविकासमेंअपभ्रंशकायोगदान’ सेआरंभकियाथा।इसमेंअपभ्रंशसाहित्यपरविचारकरतेहुएबीच-बीचमेंनामवरजीनेटिप्पणियाँदीहैं, वेविचारपूर्णएवंसुचिंतितहैं।वेसूक्ष्मदर्शिताऔरसहृदयताकेसाथमार्क्सवादीआलोचनापद्धतिकारूपप्रस्तुतकरतीहैं।नामवरसिंहनेहिन्दीआलोचनामेंजबसे (57-58 वर्षपहले) कदमरखाहैतभीसेवेइसकेकेन्द्रीयकिरदाररहेहैं।इसदौरानसाहित्यकारोंकीपीढीबदलगई।हिन्दी- साहित्यमेंकईआन्दोलनआएऔरगए।आलोचकवरचनाकारआएऔरगए. लेकिनइसमायनेमेंनामवरसिंहएकअपवादहीहैंकिइतनेलम्बेसमयबादभीनतोआए-गयोंकीसूचीमेंशामिलहुएऔरनहीपुरानेपड़े।एकतोहिन्दी- लोचनाकीयहविडम्बनाहीरहीहैकिआमतौरपरइसकेमहत्त्वपूर्णआलोचकभीविशेषसमयकेबादकेसाहित्यकेभावबोधकोसही-सहीनहींपहचानपाएऔरनयेलेखनकोपुरानेविचारोंवसाहित्यिकमानदण्डोंकेआधारपरपीटतेरहेऔरखारिजकरतेरहे।दूसरीगौरकरनेकीबातहैकिहिन्दीकेसमर्थआलोचकमूलतःकविथे, कविताकेक्षेत्रसेवेआलोचना-कर्ममेंप्रवृत्तहुएइसलिएउनकीआलोचना-दृष्टिवआलोचना-कर्मपरकविताहीछाईरही।आलोचनामेंकवितासेइतरगद्यकीविधाओंकीउसतरहविवेचनानहींहुईजिसकीवेअधिकारीथी।किसीप्रसंगवश, मजबूरीवश, जरूरतवशयालिहाजवशयदिकिसीगद्यविधाकाजिक्रहुआभीतोकेवलउपन्यासकाही।जबकहानीजैसीमहत्त्वपूर्णविधाभीउपेक्षितरहीतोआत्मकथा, जीवनीआदिकातोजिक्रहीक्याकरना।यद्यपिनामवरसिंहभीकवितासेशुरूकरकेआलोचना-कर्ममेंदाखिलहुए, लेकिनवेसिर्फकविताकीआलोचनातकहीनहींरूकेऔरकहानीआलोचनाकोभीनयाफलकप्रदानकिया। Keywords: Page No : 115-124

বাংলা সাহিত্যে নাট্য সংলাপের শৈলীগত অধ্যয়ন

Author: Tinku  Kumar Ghorai DOI Link : -2 / 5/2024/A3 ভূমিকা:শৈলীগত দিক থেকে নাটকের সংলাপ-বিশ্লেষণ বিভিন্ন মাত্রার সন্নিবেশ দাবি করে।নাট্যতত্ত্ব বিদ A. Nicoll নাটকের সংলাপকে দুটি ভাগে ভাগ করেছিলেন: ‘ordinary speech এবং’ patterned language’ হিসেবে। সাধারণত আটপৌরে, স্বাভাবিকক্রদের গদ্য- সংলাপকে ordinary speech’হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করা হয়। আরপদ্য-সংলাপতো বটেই, পদ্য-সংলাপ ও’ patterned language’-এর পরিধির মধ্যে পড়ে। …

বাংলা সাহিত্যে নাট্য সংলাপের শৈলীগত অধ্যয়ন Read More »

বাংলা সাহিত্যে নদিয়া ও মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলার লোককথা ও লোকসংস্কৃতির পরিচয়, বৈশিষ্ট্য

Author: Tahidul Islam Mandal DOI Link : -2 / 5/2024/A2 ভূমিকা:-: লোকসাহিত্য লোকসংস্কৃতির একটি জীবন্ত ধারা;এর মধ্য দিয়ে জাতির আত্মার স্পন্দন শোনা যায়। একটি নির্দিষ্ট ভৌগোলিক পরিমন্ডলে একটি সংহত সমাজমানস থেকে এর উদ্ভব।সাধারণত অক্ষরজ্ঞানহীন পল্লিবাসীরা স্মৃতি ও শ্রুতির ওপর নির্ভর করে এর লালন করে।মূলে ব্যক্তিবিশেষের রচনা হলেও সমষ্টির চর্চায় তা পুষ্টি ও পরিপক্কতা লাভ …

বাংলা সাহিত্যে নদিয়া ও মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলার লোককথা ও লোকসংস্কৃতির পরিচয়, বৈশিষ্ট্য Read More »